Summer Sensory Fun!

  With schools closing soon and the lovely, long December holidays approaching, moms are starting to search for activities to do with the kids. Sensory bins can be enjoyed by children of varying developmental abilities and interests and they are quick and easy to make! In today’s times pre-school children experience high stress due to their busy schedules- in and...

  • October 27, 2016
  • Carmen Kingwill

Puzzles - What are the benefits?

Puzzles,that ageless activity that your grandparents did when they were children, you did as a child and that you’re now encouraging your children to do (or your child’s teacher has encouraged you to do with your children).  What is the importance behind this simple activity? Just how does this activity benefit your child?In a study conducted by the University of...

  • October 25, 2016
  • Carmen Kingwill

Benefits of Arts and Crafts for Kids

  The benefits of arts and crafts for kids are almost endless. Here are a few biggies: It Boosts Self-Esteem That smile your kids wear when they present to you their latest piece of artwork: that’s an expression of accomplishment and self-pride developed as they succeed in developmentally appropriate arts and crafts activities that both challenge and empower them. (ELDA 2:...